I look at a lot of websites — it goes with the territory as a web developer.
I see some amazing sites that push the boundaries of user experience and design … and then I see the others. Fortunately for you, I surfed all of those awful websites so you don’t have to.
Here’s my top five website mistakes.
1.) No Secure Certificate
Seriously, I feel like 75% of the local websites I come across have no secure certificate installed. What is a secure certificate you ask? It provides security for online communication. Without it: browsers can throw warnings to visitors, Google can place big scary red warnings in the search results or your site won’t load at all. If you see a little padlock next to your website address the certificate is installed. If you don’t… time to call Millington.Design.
2.) No Mobile-friendly Site
It’s 2022. A smartphone version of your site is not a luxury — it’s a necessity. If your site has no mobile-friendly version Google (and any other search tool) will penalize your search ranking. This means you’ll show up lower in results. Not to mention, these days mobile browsers are probably a majority of your visits. Cater to them. Nothing makes you look more outdated than a crusty old desktop site. Ewww.
3.) Keyword Stuffing
Millington.Design creates website designs in Clifton Park, NY. We have been designing websites in Clifton Park, NY since 1999. Millington.Design creates unique web experiences for clients all over the Capital Region. If you’re looking for a website in Clifton Park, NY then give Millington.Design a call today!
Seriously, that was awful, right? It’s like a riddle without an answer. And that’s what we call keyword stuffing. Back in the day SEO firms did all sorts of nefarious keyword stuffing like to help you rank higher in results. I’m not sure if it EVER worked but now not only will it not help you — it will hurt you. Google sees this coming from a mile away and penalizes you.
4.) Single Page Websites
What’s become a popular form factor, single page websites are everywhere. Their advantages? Quick, cheaper development without having to develop multiple pages of content. But that’s also the problem. It’s a single page without a canvas to develop your story across multiple pages. Multiple pages not only let’s you expand on your story, when properly written, that extra content DOES help your SEO score. Spreading your content out among multiple pages gives your content breathing room while also feeling more complete.
5.) Purchased Templates
Ok, maybe I talk about purchased templates too much. As designers it hurts our eyeballs to see similar, bland looking websites. Granted some templates are incredibly unique and elaborate, but most look like ordinary, flavorless design. Your site will look like a thousand other sites with just a color change or two. And, yes, sometimes — if your budget only allows for a template they can get the job done, but as web designers, communicators and creative thinkers: they drive us a little insane. What’s more — I often find by the time you craft your content, pay for hosting and make the necessary design changes to the cheap template you didn’t ACTUALLY save all that much money. Go custom. Not that we’re biased.
How can Millington.Design help you? Let’s get started today!